taichi bible chinese/English bi-lingle version
As of many taiji classmate and friends request, especially people only speak English, I will try my best to translate “wang zongyue taiji bible’, and also try use my taiji learning experience and refresh my masters’s teach, put down the way I understand about this taiji bible content. Just for share and exchange with all the people have deep interest on taiji practice.
“wang zongyue taiji theory” below: for further study, numbered every sentence as follow
First section:
Taiji,which come from wuji, it is the switch between move and steady. It is the mother of yinyang.
:动之则分,静之则合, 无过而不及,随曲就伸。
When it start move it shows split, when it is turn to steady, it shows close up. No more no less, follow the way it come.
When the other party come strong,solid and hard force. But our side being soft and flexible, called skip run off. Our side feel natural comfortable, but other party feel being locked up and uncomfortable called stick to it.
When other come quick, we follow it quick, when other come slow, we follow it slow.
Even so many way will happen, but the theory and the way to do always stay the same.
Until all become natural react through many many practice then start understand taiji jin. From understand taiji jin then all react will connect from heavenly power.
Some day will be suddenlly understand what taiji it is and understand how it is work. even many years prictice mostly using force during practice.
Head, neck, even shirt collar feel light and floating upward, and clear feel body gravity center which is dantian, lead body weight sinking downard. Straight without lien any direction at all. Feel like some time I am there but some time I am not there.
When left come heavier, our left must empty, when right come solid, our right must feel like nothing there
When upward poster our mind think the highness, when downward poster, our mind look for the deepest.
When moving forward, look for far and far away, when moving backward, our look for short and sudden feel
Even a fur or a bug drop on our body will be supper accurately adjusted naturally to balance and straight position
Opposite party never know what I am doing, but I am clearly know what others will do.
That is why we always on top others no mater how it will happen.
So many similar practice, although little different form or style, but mostly stronger one on top of weaker one, faster one on top of slower one.
Heavy force on top of light force. Faster hand one on top of slower hand one,
Check buy using four onces to deal those thousand pound, clearly not using force to go against, so it show definitely not using direct force to force, and fast, it is natural ability, not practice better and stronger force to do so.
Stand like plumb bob, easy rotate like wheel
Feel sinking will easy to follow, double weighted will cause stuck hard to turn
Always see many people practice many years but never get it. Just because they lock themselves before deal others. They don’t understand what is double weighted problem they have.
For solve this problem need know yin yang.
Stick on to opponent is already run off straight force, runoff straight force is stick on to opponent, yin stay with yang, yang stay with yin; understand yin plus yang is a full called understand taiji jin.
After understand taiji jin, then practice in to fine tuning detail. And keep feel it until act naturally. It is actually follow opponent without holding ourselves position.
So it is small miss position nearby, will cause bigger miss place in the distance , all taiji practitioner should pay a close attention to study .that’s the reason I wrote it out.