Thursday, June 7, 2012

shareing some understanding of taichi practice

太极学习心得分享Sharing some understanding of taiji practice.

Today me and marvell taiji practice group practice taiji together again. We try to dig deeper from the first starting move of taiji form. We are looking for understand what is the right way to do the form practice. How to really get practice of internal kongfu of taiji. And we try to understand what is the different in between practice taiji and other body exercise.正像今天我喂劲给每一个同学,让大家体会到在打起势时需要追求的感觉。我同一位同学面对面站好。我每之手只用一个手指轻轻地放一点力量在同学的上臂,并保持这力量固定,均匀。然后让同学做我讲的起势。当同学做对了的时候,我的平衡被打破,不得不向后面倒,我没有被同学手臂推倒的力量接触感觉,那同学也没有感到推了我。没有亲身经历,亲眼看到,难以置信。我又让其他的同学把手夹在我手和同学上臂中间,当那同学的起势做对了的时候,这第三个同学的手也是没有任何受到力的感觉。但是,如果哪个同学,没有做对,这第三个同学的手会感觉到不是被力量压迫,就是同我们的接触分家。
Just like today, I feed taiji power to every friends. Give a lead for every one to feel what is the feeling when practice this move. One of the friend and I stand face to face. I use only one finger with a little push force of each hand on the other persons upper arms, and keep this pressure steady and constant. Then let him do the starting move of taiji form. When he did it right. I will lost my balance and have to lean backward. I didn’t feel he is pushing me, and he didn’t feel he is pushing me as well. If he is not experience and see it, he won’t believe it. Then I ask other friend put their hand in between my hand and the upper arm I am pushing. Then do it again. When he did it right. The other friend also can not feel any pressure change at the pushing point. But if he didn’t do it right, the other friend will feel either contact pressure getting increased or decreased.

This is what we try to learn and understanding what is no force in taiji but taiji book or teaching keep saying taiji borrow force to deal force. This is what we try to study what is taiji internal kongfu, and how we get it.
Almost every taiji teacher keep talk about relax,relax. And almost all the taiji book says relax is the heart of taiji practice. But you better find good taiji teacher to feel from him, no way to find out from human word.
The sharing I did today is also get from few my great masters. They did same way to feed me. Give me a real chance and condition to feel it. I believe every one still remember when I feed different friend, I give different instruction to different one. Some I tell them think both elbow open up, some of them I tell them think head flouting up, some of them I tell them think drop their tailbone. Then they are all can make me lean back without using any force. This is what is talk about in taiji bible:“even so many different but the real natural law is same.” this is also shows like my kongfu grand master: Wang, Zhuanghong said: it look different, but inside feel keep the same, every one have their own taiji, but if it is taiji, it contain relaxation, emptiness, full filled and rounded, it will be the same.

这现象又是怎样做出来的呢?关键是把自己在放松状态下,变成一个受力均匀的太极球。也是象我另一位师公尤彭熙先生常讲的象个充满气的皮How is it happen,?the main trick is make yourself internal and externally feel like a very evenly taiji ball. It just like my other YiChuan grand master You, Penxi said. Keep yourself like a full filled air ball.

放松状态:不是我们平常想象的松。因为我们平时的松,是松懈。是断。若不想断,又反向去顶。我给不同人不同指令,就是把不同的状态都变成一个冲气皮球的松空圆满的太极球,无极球的状态。在这种状态下,做起势的同学,因为放松而自己身体借用了地球对自己的吸引力,有了沉,有因地面从脚下给了他一个同样大小的反作用的浮力,这上下相拉造成了中空在身体不动的情况下空了我的外力,或者说是圆化了我的单一放向的外力。造成我的外力挤压他的皮球面,而迫使他的皮球同时向外各方向均匀膨胀,从而向后反挤压我自身的中心,而不得不向后倒。从力上表现讲,我的单一方向的固定推力先是被球面分散,后又被球体其他部位包围,却不是在正推点被顶,而双方都不能感受到这微小的变化。The relaxation is not what we normally think. Because when we think relax, we did like claps, loss and separated. But as long as we don’t want claps, we will became go against. When I give different person different instruction, just because I can feel each of them where is the spot on their body not even, and then I make them and lead them became even, become full filled air ball. And when they are in this situation, they are in the real relaxation situation. Then they are automatic borrowed the gravity force from their own body weight. So they got sinking feel, and same time the earth give them a reflect flouting force which equal to the weight sinking force, to create a empty hollow center in between this two force. So my horizontal feeding force being dissolved. In the other word my single direction force being dissolved by a surface of ball. Then since it is a air ball even on point being pushed in as a dented area, but the other surface being created a same amount but all direction bouncing pressure to push back towards my balance center instead go against the point I am pushing. In this situation both of us can not feel any of force increase or decrease.

So. In conclusion. Relaxation require us to feel the even force at all our body part and mind in all direction at same time. It is not just use hand or arm muscle force, it is feel our own body weight down to the bottom of our feet, and how much our weight being reflected back from the earth. It is transformed through our whole body every where and every direction. It is very flexible feel very even feel very bouncing feel. It is absolutely natural ability. Every one can do it. But it need some one can feel your situation to lead you in the right situation. Some one already used to hold two arm tied close to the body trunk , need think open to elbow to distract old feel towards the full fell feeling. Some one already get used to sit down too low, need think flouting head to distract old feel towards the full fill feeling. Some one already get used to lean forward, need think drop tail bone to distract old feeling work towards the full fill feeling. This is what we are practice which called basic fundamental practice, and it is the main focus point of taiji internal kongfu.

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